Hanover Democratic Committee
The Hanover County Democratic Committee is committed to reaching out to the community, building a broad-based political committee, and raising money to nominate and run candidates for federal, state, and local office. Located in Virginia, electing Democrats is the key to making our country the best it can be for all citizens.
Mission statement
Our mission is to encourage and engage community support for candidates committed to core Democratic ideals through education, civic participation, and voter registration.
The HDC aims to promote Democratic policies, principles, and values in Hanover County; to expand the numbers of Democratic voters in Hanover County and represent their diversity; and to be the party of inclusion and encourage equality and equity for people of every race, religion, income, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability. We believe that by working together through democratic government we can achieve beneficial ends that make citizens lives better and our communities stronger.
The Executive Committee
Please feel free to contact the following executive committee members with questions or concerns at info@hvadems.com or through the Contact Us form on this website.
Rachel Levy
Past Chair
Daniel McGraw
Vice Chairs
Lauire Uzukwu and Colleen Barry
Wendy Brooks
Communications & PR Logistics
Steven Johnson with Ryan Hudgins
Recording Secretary
Caroline Cooke
Rich Johnson
Corresponding Secretary
Claudia Chaten
Voter Outreach & Field Operations
Jenny Wolfe
District Chairs
Carol Tarkington
Karen Winston with Nadine Rand (co-chair)
Jennifer Byrnes with June Bohrer (co-chair)
Cold Harbor
Wendy Brooks with Laurie Uzukwu (co-chair)
Mary and Bill Butler
Mechanicsville and Chair of Chairs
Rita Dowling with Rick Lloyd (Mechanicsville co-chair)
South Anna
Annette Sirica with Claudia Chaten (co-chair)
Committee Chairs and subcommittees
Local Government
Kristin McDonald Stevens
Membership (list)
John Schuiteman
Women's Coffee
Diane Neergaard
Take Action Now
Mary Anne Pugh
Education (scholarship)
Mary Knight
Michael Brooks
Young Democrats
Jenny Wolfe
Ist Congressional District Reps
Gordon Silver/ Toni Radler
Rural Caucus
Rachel Levy
Black Caucus
5th Congressional District Rep
Claudia Chaten
Voter Protection
Rachel Levy
Colleen Barry
Board of Elections
Peggy Lavinder